DIY Cards: Fun With Halloween Puns
We can't help it - we're getting a little candy corny.
Oct 12, 2015

We love how the eyes follow you wherever you go. Eerie ...
This one's great for all you vampires with human girlfriends, or boyfriends.

If they're afraid of spiders, even better. Scare them with this glam glitter critter.

On Halloween, we're all a little candy corny. We can't resist.

Give this to whoever you're batty about. Your boyfriend ... that handsome barista you're stalking.

Perfect for your BFF. Especially if she's the friendly ghost that haunts your attic. Just like in those scary 80s Disney movies ...

See, gourds don't just make great centerpieces. They're also perfect for punny Halloween cards.

Show + Spell
Which cards did you make? Did you design your own? Post a pic on instagram and tag it @SharisBerries, #Halloween. We can't wait to see your monstrous creations!