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4 Reasons to Send Your BFF a Valentine

Valentine's Day isn't just about sweethearts ...

Shari's Berries

Jan 06, 2015

1. She's always willing to hit the dance floor with you.

Dancing with your BFF

2. She's always there, in good times and not-so-good times, to share the love (and chocolate).

Reasons to send your BFF a gift

3. She knows exactly what to say to brighten your day.

Reasons to send your BFF a gift

4. She doesn't judge. Even when she sees how fast you can devour a chocolate-covered caramel marshmallow.

BFFGift marshmallow Pop

Sweets for Your Sweet BFF

We're sure there are plenty of other reasons your best friend deserves Valentine's Day love, and treats. Of course, if you need gift ideas, we have plenty. Like love bug brownie pops, conversation heart Oreo® cookies and more decadent favorites from our Valentine's Day collection.