How to Fix Baking & Cooking Mistakes
Our guide to baking and cooking mistakes provides you with quick fixes for any dish.
Jul 23, 2018
Ever gone for the sugar thinking it was salt? Over-baked your cake? Or had your sprinkle of cayenne turn into a heap? All too often, a fun time in the kitchen can turn into a stressful mess.
The fact of the matter is that we’re human and we make mistakes (even in the kitchen!), but nothing is worse than a salty batch of cookies or an overly spiced dinner item. To help solve your “uh-oh!” moments and make your time in the kitchen a little more enjoyable, we’ve created a guide on how to fix common cooking and baking mistakes.
Whether you’re whipping up a batch of sweets to cheer someone up or making dinner for the family, these clever food hacks will help you get any recipe right and attempt to fix the ones that may have gone wrong.
The first step to fixing a mistake in the kitchen is to stay calm and avoid panicking. The next step is to browse the list below to turn your recipes around in a jiffy. We’ve also included some helpful tips to avoid any mishaps before getting started in the kitchen.
Baking Mistakes
Baking is a science. There are certain ingredients that do the rising, crisping and sweetening. Adding the incorrect amount, leaving something out or eyeballing measurements of any ingredient can lead to a kitchen disaster. Browse through our collection of baking mistakes and quick fixes for them below.

Cooking Mistakes
What’s there to do when you’ve over salted, over spiced, over sweetened or over cooked? Before tossing your hard work into the garbage, see if your dish can be salvage with the tips below.

Now that you’re ready to put on your oven mitts and get busy in the kitchen, check out our list featuring the best cookie recipes, cupcake recipes or our step-by-step guide to a DIY donut wall to get inspired. And remember sometimes it’s the perfectly imperfect things that make life so fun!
Bon appétit!