The Envious Cupcake
Everyone knows cupcakes are so last year. But be warned, cake pop envy isn't just for cupcakes. People can catch it too.
Jul 18, 2014
Our Dream Interpretation
Clearly, this cupcake has a serious case of #cakepopenvy. And who could blame it? No more wrapper malfunctions, bad frosting days or travel anxiety (have you ever tried to mail a cupcake?). Plus the sticks are so slimming. Everyone knows cupcakes are so last year. But be warned, cake pop envy isn't just for cupcakes--people can catch it too. Especially when they watch someone else enjoy a decadent red velvet or cookie crumble cake pop. But never fear, there's a cure. Well, for humans. A gift of dipped cake pops in all the latest flavors.