Food With an English Accent
English food sure does get a bad rap. While we admit that it may not be our favorite (we’re talking to you, black pudding), there are some dishes that just have the unfortunate fate of a frightening name.
Nov 01, 2012
Like the kid in high school with the leather jacket and earring, English food sure does get a bad rap. While we admit that it may not be our favorite (we’re talking to you, black pudding), there are some dishes that just have the unfortunate fate of a frightening name.
Take our word for it; these dishes are (mostly) delicious:
Bangers & Mash

Don’t let the name fool you, bangers and mash is an incredibly normal dish with an incredibly abnormal name. It’s a traditional English dish made of sausage, mashed potatoes and gravy that’s been filling the English up since WWI. So, where’d that name come from? The word “banger” was derived from the banging noise the sausages made while they were being fried. We love this recipe from A Spicy Perspective.
Black Pudding

A legend states that black pudding was created during a drunken bet between two Bavarian butchers. And, it makes sense that you’d have to be drunk to come up with something like this. It’s a congealed mass of pig’s blood, suet (raw beef or mutton fat), oatmeal, bread and barley. Hungry yet? Country Wood Smoke suggests trying it with an egg and an Arbroath Smokie.
If van Gogh dedicated a whole painting to bloaters, this tragically named herring has to be good. Bloaters get their name from their bloated appearance, thanks to the salting and smoking of the whole herring.
Bubble & Squeak

No, it’s not the name of cartoon characters; bubble and squeak is quite a delicious breakfast side dish made of lightly fried potato, cabbage or any other vegetable on hand. It’s often served up with a healthy heaping of bacon, sausages, eggs and baked beans to fight off that chilly English weather. You'll love this recipe from Lavender and Lovage.
English Toffee
Although the name is straightforward, the history of English toffee is not. The name conjures up images of a little old English lady slaving over a hot stove, but English toffee isn't actually English. The American version is very buttery and crunchy and often topped with chocolate and almonds, while the English version is more often than not a chewy, softer candy.