Greatest Pics: Happiness Happens
So many happy (and delicious) memories ...
Sep 01, 2015
Kristen, A Mind “Full” Mom

“One of our favorite things to do is to pack up a picnic to take along on a hike. It gives us time to get exercise as a family and to chat along the way. We also work up quite the appetite for our picnic–and eating outside is just fun (not to mention, I love that the crumbs stay outside rather than under the table)”! To learn more about Kristen and get great tips for throwing your own family picnic, head over to her post here.
Kayla, Gen Y Girl

Kayla’s post listed 32 different things that make her happy. Some of our favorites include: campfires, peonies, the smell of lavender, and of course, packages (presumably of our delicious berries) on her doorstep! Head over to Kayla’s post here to find out what other things make her happy.
Raewyn, Be a Warrior Queen
“Nothing makes me happier than spending time with my people. I say 'my people' over family because not all of these people are blood-related. I learned at a young age that family doesn’t have to be blood, but to surround myself with the people who care the most and mean the most.” We couldn’t agree more, Raewyn! To learn more about Raewyn and her people, you can find her post here.
Jen, JENerally Informed

“Recently for me, happiness happened when I received a sweet note from one of my children that left me trying very stoically not to belly laugh in her face as she patiently waited for me to read it ... well, take a look at this note and see for yourself why it is funny.” You can find Jen’s post in full here to see the note.
Kimberly, Valley Stream Mom
“I’m not really into Zodiac signs but I do know that Pisces is a water sign and near water is what makes me very happy. I don’t even have to get into the water. Just being near it and hearing the crashing waves is enough for me. The beach is calming, soothing, and purifying (my family name is Purify) which is the perfect state for my happiness. It helps me clear my head. We all need our heads cleared, don’t we?” You are correct Kimberly, we most definitely do! You can read more from Kimberly’s post by clicking here.
Kendra, The Things I Love Most
In honor of Happiness Happens month, Kendra wanted to talk about how to have a happy marriage. She goes on to say, “Happiness isn’t all about him bringing me roses, giving me foot massages every night and doing the dishes at the end of the day. Yes, those things make me temporarily happy, but to achieve true happiness in marriage takes a lot of work and effort from both the husband and the wife.” You can find Kendra’s post in full here to see her list of the top 10 tips to a happy marriage.
Nicole, Foodie Loves Fitness

Nicole has been using the warm summer weather to make sure she’s happy. Some of the things she’s been up to include: spending time at the beach, cooking with in-season produce, working on her garden, and outdoor workouts with her canine companion. To learn more about Nicole and what makes her happy, you can find her post here.