How to Say Thank You for a Wonderful Thanksgiving
If you were lucky enough to avoid the hassle and stress of hosting a Thanksgiving dinner this year, why not say "thank you" through gift?
Nov 15, 2022
If you were lucky enough to avoid the hassle and stress of hosting a Thanksgiving dinner this year, but had the pleasure of attending a wonderful meal at someone else's home, chances are you're looking for a great way to say thank you. While you could always offer to host next year's meal or extend an invitation in the future, all it really takes is a thoughtful note — and maybe some unique thank you gifts — to show your appreciation.
These days, people sometimes forget about the power of the written word. With so many opportunities to send a quick note electronically, whether via text or email or over social media, communication may seem like it's becoming less meaningful. There's nothing more personal and more effective than a handwritten thank-you letter — using whole words, not abbreviations — and sent in the mail, because it showed that you took the time and effort to create it.
If you're not one for words, there's no need to worry. You don't have to write your loved ones a novel or try to devise ways to say thank-you for something you didn't enjoy. All you have to do is be specific about what you liked; point out aspects you did enjoy like the company or a particular dessert. Even if you're only thankful for the fact that you were invited at all, it still warrants a note.
What that note doesn't warrant? Mentioning if you didn't enjoy the meal or your time spent at their home. Leave that stuff out of any missive.
When it comes to a gift, you don't need to find anything too elaborate, but you don't want to buy something your host will never use, either. Thank you gift baskets are a good choice, since they're full of goodies that everyone's sure to love. Whether your host has a sweet tooth or is a strict calorie-counter, there's sure to be a basket filled with treats she can indulge in.
Your thank you gift will be appreciated, but don't forget to include that handwritten note — it's the key to a successful, meaningful thank-you. Once everything is received, don't be surprised if you're invited again next year. Now they know that you're the perfect dinner guest.