Sweet Sister Perks
Of course we can’t forget that some of us are sisters to a brother—and the bond is just as sweet! Sisters will always take care of their brothers (even if they don't always need your protection). But that's the nature of the sister, always wanting whats best for everyone.
Aside from all the scientific evidence of why sisters are so awesome, there are many other perks as well:
• You get to share clothes
• Can be brutally honest with one another
• You can reminisce about the horrible outfits your parents made you wear when you were younger
• They're awesome aunts to your kids
• Will always have the inside scoop and keep it a secret from your parents
• The ideal maid of honor
• You'll always have someone to cover for you
• You can tag along to fun places
• You'll always someone to joke with
• You can eat a billion brownies together and never be judged
Sisters Day Gifts
Give your sister something meaningful. A fun photo album, her favorite movie or book or you can never go wrong with dipped strawberries and flowers!